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MATHEMATICS: The Midas of Our Human Endeavor

Updated: Apr 5, 2018

The human endeavor is most accurately defined as the constant search for understanding, beauty, and power. Our life mission, past, present, and future, is centrally affixed around these desires, and they are integral to our human nature. We search for these qualities in everything we do, from love to work, and they are the force that drives us forward in our world of emotional experience and scientific pursuit. Life is a constant tug of war in which we attempt to find the golden ratio between these desires that will allow us to achieve fulfillment. After eighteen years of searching, I have found one particularly golden solution. Mathematics.

Mathematics is the language that enthrals and enlightens our minds with lucidity in a universe of complexity. Mathematics is the artist of the elaborate patterns that widen our eyes in the presence of nature. Mathematics is the sceptre that gives us command over our universe, yet keeps us modest in the shadow of its vast expanse and intricacy. As we take a deeper look into our awe-inspiring universe, mathematics begins to become the Midas of our human endeavor.

Journeying together in this pursuit of the human endeavour, we will explore just a few of the corners of our universe that mathematics crystallizes into glistening jewels. Our goal is to turn life’s carbon into mathematical diamonds by exploring math in a broader context. We will not only consider the literal presence of mathematics in our lives, but also the philosophical beauty that we can derive from mathematical principles. By the end of our time together, I hope you can gain a new appreciation for mathematics and its incredible fulfillment of our human desires of understanding, beauty, and power. When mathematics begins to touch our universe and our lives, even the most mundane elements turn to gold.

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