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  • Writer's pictureNicole Firestone

Taboos: An Introduction

Updated: Feb 8, 2018

Welcome to Taboos! Throughout our time together, we will be taking a very objective look at the taboos that influence, hinder, enhance, and complicate the female experience. We will specifically focus on the historical origins of each taboo, their scientific backgrounds and legitimacy, and their societal impacts on the lives of women (and more general global populations). When looking at taboos, it is vital to consider the cultural significance and greater background of each taboo instead of immediately jumping to conclusions of justice or injustice. For this reason, our examination and evaluation of taboos will be very holistic, and any circumstance in which opinions are introduced will have the ultimate goal of broadening the reader's understanding of the interpretations and impacts of the taboo for people of different cultural backgrounds, socioeconomic backgrounds, upbringings, and time periods.

We must also consider each taboo in terms of its entire life cycle. Taboos often begin as religious custom or social convention. They are introduced as idea and/or (carried out in) policy, and spread by way of an authority figure, the jurisdiction of an authoritative group, or forceful societal pressures. Female taboos are in some cases results of intended suppression, in other cases results of intended protection, in some cases conclusions based on faulty science, and in other cases results of sound science, but not statistically sound emphasis. Though, at the same time it has become very often that the word “taboo” in the context of women is met with thoughts of scandalism and promiscuity. Consequentially, this interpretation in itself has in many cases altered the perception of the very acts that are considered “taboo,” and distinctified them from their origins. In today’s American society, people have begun to take note of this interpretation. As a result, many have pointedly appended a question mark to the end of every “taboo,” adding an element of uncertainty to the justness of that particular way of life or societal thought or pressure. Though, many people simply polarize their views without considering each taboo in itself, its origins, its scientific legitimacy, and its impacts in every society.

Upon entering this blog, I implore you to leave your previous opinions on female taboos behind and refrain from revisiting them until you have explored this series in its entirety. Once we have examined a multitude of taboos in a very depthful and rich manner, I invite you to revisit those previous opinions and inquire them. Determine and question the elements of them that have evolved since you were last together, distinguish and challenge the elements that have remained the same, and remember to continue to question and evolve your opinions over time. The reason why taboos are referred to as such is because of an evolving and ever expanding mindset, growing and changing cultures, and new experiences and understandings(/misunderstandings). It is, therefore, vital that we refrain from hasty and polarized conclusions, and first ascertain every edge of each individual taboo wholly.

As we make this journey together through the origins of each taboo, the (“)scientific(”) conclusions that influenced them, and the impacts that they have on different societies, I hope to not only broaden your mind, but I also hope to broaden my own. There is always value in looking at something from the perspectives of others and understanding why they have the thoughts and interpretations that they have grown to call their own. Although this blog has an objective focus, I hope to see where my readers will take that objectivity as they integrate it into their own subjective opinions. Therefore, as you read through this blog and expand your own interpretations and understandings, please also offer your own insight and knowledge on each topic. Thus begins our journey into the world of female taboos! I shall see you for the first post on February 8th!

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